"With these facilities, the company's cash flow will be more secure, allowing it to carry out its investments sustainably. Ultimately, a more sustainable company can absorb jobs for the North Morowali people in the nickel mining industry, lowering the unemployment rate," he said.
Nickel smelter company PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI) received a fiscal facility in the form of a bonded zone facility which President Joko Widodo inaugurated towards the end of last year through the Morowali Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC).

Following up on this, Morowali KPPBC socialized the Bonded Zone at the PT GNI Office in North Morowali, Wednesday (30/3/2022), which involved 13 Heads of PT GNI Departments/Divisions.
Head of the Logistics Department of PT GNI Mr. Phao Hong Long, who represented the 13 Heads of Departments who were present, said the presence of a bonded zone at PT GNI would increase the competitiveness of the company's processed products as recipients of facilities in the global market.
"With these facilities, the company's cash flow will be more secure, allowing it to carry out its investments sustainably. Ultimately, a more sustainable company can absorb jobs for the North Morowali people in the nickel mining industry, lowering the unemployment rate," he said.
Mister Phao stated as a department that has direct contact with imported goods, his party is ready to cooperate with the KPPBC to make bonded zone services and facilities successful.
"The PT GNI Department, which is directly involved in the import and export of commodities, will always maintain a strong working relationship with the KPPBC, so that the bonded zone facilities at PT GNI remain accessible to support the industrial estate development process." he said.

According to Elvis Parlindungan Sianturi, Head of the Customs and Excise Service Section, who spoke on behalf of KPPBC head Morowali Rubyantara, the benefits of having this bonded zone facility include the suspension of import duties on goods used in factory construction logistics as well as Value Added Tax (VAT) and Income Tax (PPh 22).
"For companies that do not get the bonded zone facility for their importation, they are required to pay import duty tax in the context of imports, but when a company has obtained the bonded zone facility, the import duty is suspended," he said.
Elvis stated that PT GNI had received Bonded Zone facility services since early March. Thus import duties, VAT and PPh for imported products belonging to PT GNI were temporarily suspended. Based on data from March 14, 2022-30 March 2022, PT GNI is required to pay import duty, VAT, and PPh 22 worth IDR 57.041 billion with details of import duty 15.526 billion, VAT 33,584 billion, and PPh 22 8,200 billion.
"The value is Rp. 57 billion, but when (PT GNI) gets a bonded zone facility, import duties and taxes are suspended and that amount is not collected," he concluded.
In this activity, PT GNI representative Michael Rusli handed over a plaque to the Head of KPPBC TMP C Morowali Rubyantara, represented by the Head of Customs and Excise Services Section, Elvis Parlindungan Sianturi.
Can be seen in berita Morut.